
WHOOPS. I'm still making my website, and this page hasn't been finished yet. Sorry!

The electrical in these blueprints is for testing purposes, not for a full fusor. The power supply will be swapped for a higher voltage supply once the system is verified to hold vacuum and produce plasma.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5

Change of plans. I ended up buying this used conflat 2.75" cross from someone on fusor.net I will use this as my vacuum chamber now instead of the KF50 I originally bought. The KF50 will still be used, possibly to add more gauges in the future. I will be drawing up an updated blueprint sheet at some point to reflect this change.

Picture 6 Picture 7 Picture 8 Picture 9 Picture 10 Picture 11 Picture 12 Picture 13

This project is still underway. On the to-do list is several items: I need to clean up and test the vacuum gauge, get all the components attached properly, and then source a power supply to start testing the setup.